Intermarried Jewish Men Speak


After attempting to date "secular" Jewish women both here and in Israel. I realized that iw asnot going to find my match within. After dating American Gentile women, the experience was not much better. the best thing I ever did was date Asian women. This led to me being happily married and well happy. This is a shout out to all men dissatisfied with the radical femanist culture today. Women are encouraged to paricipate.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lets be heard!

When Jewish men intermarry, all too often the experience is akin to excommunication. American men in general upon searching for a mate usually encounter misandry (man hating)laden mentalities of American women. Hence the "dating wars." I am attemtping to gather Jewish men who intermarried, or who are struggling on the dating scene. Our story must be told in a well marshalled and polite manner. We are shut out of the debate.

Filipinas Are G-d's Gift to Jewish Men

I found secular Jewish women to be relentless with their extreme hostility to men. Of course, this was not a scientific study. Nor is it self hatred. It was a personal observation that is commonly perceived. Hostile reaction to such views are mostly engendered by inconsistant elements, including but not limited to "Strong" women, and De-balled men who care little about actual Judaism, they just do not want the sanctity of militant feminism compromised.

Some years ago whether real or anti-semitically imagined, it did appear that Jewish women were the vanguard of misandry. But now, "gender feminism" has infected most sub cultures in "first world society." American women priced themselves out of the market place. The supply of viable American women have been poisoned. Of course there are other fish in the sea. I recommend a serious good faith look at the virtues of Filipina women. They have a traditional view of the family, which includes the most hated of all creatures, a man. American women, yuck!

Friends and countrymen, don't even bother with the hostile lot. Be happy. Lets call a boycott for a generation. It might change the culture. Most of my "low status" Jewish friends engaged in tumultuous failed hunts for a Jewish wife, switched market places to an equally unpleasant endeavor, in failed searches for an American Gentile wife. Happily, we ended up with Filipina wives. Some of the women have happily converted and some haven't.

When visiting a synagogue in the Philippines I noticed that the congregation's women were mostly converted, others were taking classes. Regardless of their faith orientations, all their Jewish men are happy. They are not vilified.

There are also single women studying for conversion with a view towards making an observant Jewish "beshert" happy.

Personally, I wanted to have a Jewish wife. Per my experience, American women in general, all races and creeds on the singles scene are imbued with crass materialism, status snobbery, a detachment from reality and militant feminism. My friends and I were all Jewish patriots, some of us are veterans of the Israeli army and others are traditional who never thought that they would have to resort to intermarriage. So far, we could not get everything we wanted as Jewish men but got everything good husband should have. We decided to be husbands.

As for the non-converted amongst our wives, it is not over. Character does not change but beliefs can. Do not get the wrong idea, these marriages take hard work and serious care. We are not in it for the servitude, we are in it for the deep love and friendship, for better or for worse. We pretty much experience the "better." My buddies and I know who takes care of us and why we are very happy men. We finally caught a break. Brothers, it's good stuff

We are loved

Most of my Jewish male friends are not well monied. Some have served in the IDF. All are patriots. Over the years, if single, we were rejected by Jewish women, if married, experienced disapproval. If we were not just pushed away due to money & status, there was a values gap. We were concerned with security of: jobs, USA, Israel. and they were obsessed with abortion rights and art museums. Most of us decided that there is other fish in the sea. Most of us are married to Filipinas and Latinas.

Why we choose to intermarry?

When Jewish men intermarry, the Jewish commual expereince is akin to excommunication. American men in general when looking for a mate with misandryaic (man hating) American women endure "dating wars." This blog is an attempt to gather Jewish men who intermarried, or who are struggling on the Jewish Singles scene which will likely lead to seeking another port in the storm. Our story must be told in a well marshalled and polite manner. We are soley blamed and shut out of the debate. Often we are ostrecized from our families who cannot or refuse to understand the internal gender and class discrimination. We have something to contribute. All men who suffered from the misandry, crass materialism and overall detachment from reality of "modern"women are invited to participate regardless of creed. We should discuss whether foreign wives are the solution and we all suspect that they are. The critics complain that we are taking the easy way out. We say that they priced themselves out. This blog is to emancipate us and to perhaps open the minds of our sisters and daughters so that they can enjoy love and companionship. Feel free to write in!